by nick | Aug 26, 2016 | Apologetics, creation, Genesis, Miracles, Theism, Universe, Worldview
“Miracles aren’t a violation of the natural laws, but a restoration of the natural laws.” -Timothy Keller. This question is most important because if miracles are possible, then theism would have to be true. Only in a theistic worldview are miracles even possible,...
by idc | Apr 6, 2016 | Apologetics, Universe
Scientist Stephen Meyer explains how the universe had a definite beginning using Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the Hubble telescope: The Universe Had a BeginningStephen Meyer tells the story of how Hubble showed Einstein that the universe was...
by nick | Mar 5, 2016 | Apologetics, cosmological, Cosmological Argument, Cosmology, Infinite, Infinite Regress, infinity, Universe
Written By Kirk Durston The evidence from science points to a beginning for the universe. Some atheists, understanding the possible theological implications of a beginning, prefer to set aside science and assert that the past is infinite either in terms...
by idc | Mar 3, 2016 | Apologetics, big bang, science, Universe
Everything we see in this world has a cause including the universe. If the universe was eternal, it would not have a beginning, nor need a cause. Here are ten points that show that the universe began to exist and therefore is not eternal. Now, all that’s left...
by nick | Dec 1, 2015 | Anthropic Constants, Apologetics, Fine-Tuning, Gravity, Teleological, Universe
Anthropic (Anthropos-Man) Constants represent the design so easily apprehended when looking at the Universe. These five constants represent a mere fraction of the Anthropic Constants which number over 100. If any one of these were not precisely fine-tuned just the way...