God vs Science

This is an edited extract from Can Science Explain Everything? by John C Lennox (January 2019). The book is the first of a series in a joint venture with the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, Zacharias Institute, and The Good Book Company. “Surely you can’t be...

Objection Overruled

By William A. Dembski & Sean McDowell This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume 31, number 5 (2008). For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to: Synopsis The controversy...

A “Sign” of the Times

So sorry rabbi… Recently a friend of mine gave me a short clip out of a local newspaper to read (see below) and asked my opinion about what it said.  My friend knows that I’m a Christian and where I stand on issues of faith, but I think he was trying to get me to see...

Starting a Grassroots Apologetics Ministry

Starting an Apologetic Ministry I had the privilege of speaking with Chris Arnzen of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio about the birth of New York Apologetics and how to start an apologetics ministry.  We know that "unless the Lord builds it, it's laborers labor in vain", so...

Beware the Hebrew Roots Movement

Hebrew Roots is dangerous! In my recent radio interview with Chris Arnzen on the Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Show, I was asked a question about the Hebrew Roots movement.  Although I've heard about the movement and knew some basic information, I promised to post some...

Who was Jesus? | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

The Deity of Jesus: the alternative | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

Jesus’ Divinity leads to Trustworthiness | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

Divinity of Jesus Difficulties | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

Evolution: Science Fable, or fact?

This hilarious video on evolution illustrates the absurdity of the Theory of Evolution and the consequences that follow.  On evolution, you have no significant value or meaning.  

I’m a good person.

If you’ve ever correctly shared the gospel with someone you’ve probably heard “but I’m a good person”.  People will tell you that they’ve never murdered anyone or did anything worthy of hellfire – I’m not like Hitler ya’know!  Most people deny their need for a Savior.  The truth be told, the bible tells us that given an opportunity a man will proclaim his own righteousness, and it’s true.  In their own minds, humanity doesn’t recognize it’s sinful nature and suppresses the truth.

                                              So Whattaya Do?



Ask a question, or two:  Have you ever lied or Stolen anything, or Used God’s name in vain, or Had lustful or hateful thoughts?

Most everyone has done these things numerous times over.  So, based on God’s law, the ten commandments, they would be declared a lying, thieving, blaspheming, murderous, adulterer at heart – and have to face a righteous and Holy God on judgement day!


Based on the commandments, would you be considered innocent or guilty?  They would be guilty of course, however you’ll be surprised at how many people will still proclaim their innocence.  The simple fact of the matter is that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  David asks “if you (God) marked iniquity, who could stand?”  

The commandments are designed to reveal a person’s need for a Savior the same way a doctor’s diagnosis is designed to show a patient his need for medical treatment.  If a doctor explained to you that your symptoms reveal you have a deadly disease, you would be ready to hear whatever he had to say next.  

You probably would ask for the cure before he finished speaking.


The solution:  Gratefully, there is a cure for sin.  Jesus.  He is the only Savior, and our only hope.  The only question left is will you take the medicine he’s prescribed and be cured?


The bible says repent (turn) from your sin and believe (trust) in Jesus.  Don’t fool yourself into believing you’re good enough to get to heaven.  The situation is so severe that the Son of God had to come down out of heaven to die on a cross to pay for your sin.  He was buried and raised on the third day to show that His payment to the Father was accepted.  Do not turn a blind eye to His mercy and bend the knee to Him now.


Well, now you know Whattaya Do.  Thanks for asking.

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