God vs Science

This is an edited extract from Can Science Explain Everything? by John C Lennox (January 2019). The book is the first of a series in a joint venture with the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, Zacharias Institute, and The Good Book Company. “Surely you can’t be...

Objection Overruled

By William A. Dembski & Sean McDowell This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume 31, number 5 (2008). For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to: Synopsis The controversy...

A “Sign” of the Times

So sorry rabbi… Recently a friend of mine gave me a short clip out of a local newspaper to read (see below) and asked my opinion about what it said.  My friend knows that I’m a Christian and where I stand on issues of faith, but I think he was trying to get me to see...

Starting a Grassroots Apologetics Ministry

Starting an Apologetic Ministry I had the privilege of speaking with Chris Arnzen of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio about the birth of New York Apologetics and how to start an apologetics ministry.  We know that "unless the Lord builds it, it's laborers labor in vain", so...

Beware the Hebrew Roots Movement

Hebrew Roots is dangerous! In my recent radio interview with Chris Arnzen on the Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Show, I was asked a question about the Hebrew Roots movement.  Although I've heard about the movement and knew some basic information, I promised to post some...

Who was Jesus? | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

The Deity of Jesus: the alternative | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

Jesus’ Divinity leads to Trustworthiness | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

Divinity of Jesus Difficulties | NY Minute

We're using the "Handbook of Apologetics" by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God.  Today, we will be covering the above referenced subject in relation to the existence of God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major...

Evolution: Science Fable, or fact?

This hilarious video on evolution illustrates the absurdity of the Theory of Evolution and the consequences that follow.  On evolution, you have no significant value or meaning.  

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Atheist Arguments That Show God Does Not Exist

Atheist Arguments That Show God Does Not Exist

Atheist arguments that show that God does not exist. Sorry, I have not been able to find any. As far as I know, there are no good reasons to think that God does not exist. The arguments that I have seen point to the existence of God. For example: The Kalam...

When Someone says the Bible can’t be Trusted.

When Someone says the Bible can’t be Trusted.

Written by David Robertson "Did God really say...?" "Show me the evidence for God and I will believe" is the claim of the unbeliever, quickly backed up with, "there is/can be no evidence which cannot be explained by science". Last week we showed that far from science...

More Gospel Contradictions!

More Gospel Contradictions!

What do we do with all the bible contradictions?  How can we really subscribe to a faith that uses a book that can't be trusted?  If you listen to skeptics long enough, you will hear questions like these plus many, many more attacks on the reliability of scripture....

5 Reasons to Trust Your Bible

5 Reasons to Trust Your Bible

The Word of God has been under attack since the beginning of time when in the garden of Eden Satan asked "did God really say".  The attack hasn't stopped from that moment on and continues on even to today.  Can we really trust the bible?  Should we really trust the...

59 Evidences confirming the Gospel of John

59 Evidences confirming the Gospel of John

Apologetics seeks to give credible reasons for the validity of the Christian faith using evidence.  In this case, Craig Bloomberg has documented 59 archaeological, historic and contextual evidences that validate the gospel of John. New Testament Scholar Craig Blomberg...

How to Engage a Straw Man

How to Engage a Straw Man

Have you ever tried to make an argument and encountered an objection that was a straw man? Here is a summary of the video below:   What happens when a straw man is used:    A straw man is a distortion in logic    It is an exaggeration or a misrepresentation of...

Pain in this world: Bottle fed from the Shepherd

Pain in this world: Bottle fed from the Shepherd

One of the strengths of the Christian worldview is it's explanatory power.  From creation to the problem of evil, we can make sense of all of it within the paradigm called Christianity.  It's not easy sometimes and it requires an understanding of God's perspective,...

God is not your Genie!

God is not your Genie!

  Does God exist to serve us, or do we exist to serve Him? Some people think that God exists to grant us our every want and whim.  They use God like a genie, a divine butler in the sky that gives us whatever we ask for without hesitation.  Atheists actually seize...

Augustine on the Problem of Evil

Augustine on the Problem of Evil

Christian apologetics often has to grapple with the difficult questions of life and offer answers on how they comport with reality. One of those questions is "why is there evil in the world?"  This article by Greg Koukl can lend some excellent insight into this issue....

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