This week we’ll continue to discuss Miracles:
We’re using the “Handbook of Apologetics” by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli to go over the arguments for the existence of God. Today, we will be covering the above question in relation to God. Dr. Kreeft teaches logic in two major universities, so his arguments tend to be clear, concise and very helpful.
Two Questions About Miracles
We must distinguish the philosophical question—Are miracles possible?—from the historical question—Are miracles actual? Has there ever really been such an intervention? The answer to the second question requires a knowledge of events in history. It also requires not philosophical, but historical investigation. What the philosopher and apologist can do is argue for the possibility of miracles. For nearly all those people who deny that miracles have actually happened have done so because of some philosophical argument which is supposed to prove that miracles cannot happen.
Obviously, you cannot believe miracles have happened without believing that a miracle-worker exists. Thus all who believe in miracles believe in some kind of God. But not everyone who believes in God believes in miracles. If there is a God, miracles are possible. But perhaps God did not choose to actualize this possibility.
Kreeft, P., & Tacelli, R. K. (1994). Handbook of Christian apologetics: hundreds of answers to crucial questions (p. 109). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.