by nick | Mar 31, 2016 | Apologetics, Debate, evolution, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Meyer
Written by Stephen C. Meyer Recently at the University of Toronto I had the opportunity to debate atheist cosmologist Lawrence Krauss and theistic evolutionist Denis Lamoureux. The subject was “What’s Behind It All? God, Science, and the...
by nick | Mar 17, 2016 | Apologetics, Debate, dna, evolution, ID, Intelligent Design, Keith Fox, Stephen Meyer
From Justin Brierley’s “Unbelievable” podcast. Details: Stephen Meyer is a leading proponent of Intelligent Design who directs the Centre for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. His [first] book “Signature in the Cell” claims to show that...
by nick | Mar 16, 2016 | Apologetics, evolution, Michael Denton, Non-Adaptive Order, Refuting Darwinism
Written by: David Klinghoffer Stump your Darwinist friends by asking them to explain, in evolutionarily adaptive terms, biological features like the precise pattern of the maple leaf or of an angiosperm flower. “That’s a fantastically serious...
by nick | Mar 14, 2016 | Apologetics, Darwin, darwinism, evolution, natural selection, quotes, Quotes the Uphold Theism
Written By: Billy Dyer 4 Quotes 1. Familiar claims to the contrary notwithstanding, Darwin didn’t manage to get mental causes out of his account of how evolution works. He just hid them in the unexamined analogy between selection by breeding and natural selection…we...
by nick | Mar 8, 2016 | Apologetics, evolution, Fruit Fly, Intelligent Design
Written by Evolution News and Views What happens when you tinker with the design specs of a live flyer? Four European scientists with specialties in biology and aerodynamics got together and ran some clever experiments with fruit flies to find out. The biologists...
by idc | Nov 2, 2015 | Apologetics, evolution
We sometimes need to take a step back and remember why we argue for and against some positions non-theistic. Here is a good article by Faz Rana showing why we argue against evolution and what our motivation behind it should be: Why Argue about Evolution? Does...