Marco Rubio handles an Atheist in this meeting with grace and strength. (Watch the video below)
Some highlights from video where Marco Rubio states the following:
- Salvation is a free gift that has to be willfully accepted, cannot be forced on people.
- You have a right to believe what ever you want.
- I’m going to share my faith especially when asked.
- My faith influences who I am in every aspect of my life.
- If you don’t believe that Judeo-Christian values influenced America, you don’t know history.
- This nation was founded on the principle that our rights come from our creator.
- If there is no creator than where did your rights come from?
- Where going to protect the rights of Americans to continue to believe that. (Rights come from creator)
- No one is going to force you to believe in God, but no one is going to force me to stop talking about God.