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- God vs Science
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- A “Sign” of the Times
- Starting a Grassroots Apologetics Ministry
- Beware the Hebrew Roots Movement
- Who was Jesus? | NY Minute
- The Deity of Jesus: the alternative | NY Minute
- Jesus’ Divinity leads to Trustworthiness | NY Minute
- Divinity of Jesus Difficulties | NY Minute
- Evolution: Science Fable, or fact?
- Think God started Evolution? Think again!
- Gospel contradictions as a source of confidence?
- The Difficulty of Jesus’ Divinity | NY Minute
- The Divinity of Jesus | NY Minute
- Evil: Practical Application | NY Minute
- Solutions to the Problem of Evil | NY Minute
- Happiness | NY Minute
- Goodness | NY Minute
- Omnipotence | NY Minute
- Free Will | NY Minute
- Suffering & Sin Pt.2 | NY Minute
- Misunderstanding the Moral Argument
- Suffering & Sin Pt.1 | NY Minute
- Evil Defined | NY Minute
- 6 Methodological Principles of Evil | NY Minute
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- Sorry- No, you can’t have it your way!
- We should ban the bible! | Whattaya Do?
- Evil Shows That God Doesn’t Exist, I Don’t Think So!
- 5 Possible solutions to Evil | NY Minute
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- Atheist says Jesus was wrong about adultery | Whattaya Do?
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- Pain and Suffering: Do we have a problem?
- Why is evil a dilemma? | NY Minute Monday
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- Why do skeptics say an eternal hell is wrong? | Whattaya Do?
- Three Levels of the Problem of Evil | NY Minute
- How to Recite the Gospel in 60 Seconds
- Skeptics say they can’t believe in God because of hell | Whattaya Do?
- Atheist Arguments That Show God Does Not Exist
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- The Number One Reason to Learn Apologetics
- As Christians, do we need to give evidence?
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- The Problem of Evil | NY Minute
- Angels Pt.4 | NY Minute
- Angels Pt. 3 | NY Minute
- Cosmic Child Abuse! | Whattaya Do?
- Angels Pt. 2 | NY Minute
- Biblical Prophecy was Doctored | Whattaya Do?
- Angels | NY Minute
- Man Invented God | Whattaya Do?
- Miracles Pt. 4 | NY Minute
- The Argument for God from Morality
- Objections to Miracles Pt. 3 | NY Minute
- Evolution is true! | Whattaya Do?
- Objections to Miracles Pt. 2 | NY Minute
- Christians are Hypocrites | Whattaya Do?
- Objections to Miracles | NY Minute
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- Miracles Pt.3 | NY Minute
- Miracles Pt. 2 | NY Minute Monday
- Questions about Miracles | NY Minute Monday
- Miracles | NY Minute Monday
- Blind Faith in God | Whattaya Do?
- Providence and Freedom | NY Minute
- Greg Koukl Interview on Iron Sharpens Iron
- I’m a Good Person | Whattaya Do?
- Evolution & Creation | NY Minute Monday
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- Bible Contradictions | Whattaya Do?
- Is Evolution Possible | NY Minute
- Dear Atheist – Flying Spaghetti Monster?
- Too Many Interpretations of the Bible | Whattaya do?
- Dear Atheist – Agnosticism?
- Doctrine of Creation | NY MInute
- I Just Lack Belief | Whattaya Do?
- Creation and Evolution | NY Minute Monday
- 4 Problems of Cosmology | NY Minute Monday
- Please Scrap “The Shack”
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- The Miracles of Jesus Christ
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- SCS Scholarship
- God is a “He” | NY Minute
- 8 Ways To Have Your Baby Killed (Abortion)
- God Doesn’t Answer Prayer | Whattaya Do?
- The Mystery and Revelation of God | NY Minute
- D2D Conference: J Warner Wallace Speaker Profile
- How Do You Know the Bible is True? | Whattaya Do?
- The Nicene Creed
- God is Good | NY Minute Monday
- The Apostles Creed
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- The Bible is Full of Errors | Whattaya Do?
- God is Intelligent | NY Minute Monday