3 Reasons why Evolution May One Day be Renamed NEV-O-LUTION
When I was younger, my grandpa would miraculously pull a quarter out of my ear. Grandpa would then give me this quarter to buy candy for myself; after all, the quarter was wondrously formed in my head and discovered in my ear.
As I gained knowledge it became obvious to me that grandpa had the quarter in his hand the whole time, it was just a trick. All the time I had spent contesting bathing so my ears would produce more quarters was now just me trying not to bathe.
Evolution bares a striking resemblance to having a quarter pulled from your ear. So before you begin to resist bathing, take a look at the following 3 reasons why Evolution may one day come to be called Nevolution (Never and Evolution).
Reason 1 – Genetic Limits
Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Norman Geisler in their book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be An Atheist write, “Unfortunately for Darwinists, genetic limits seem to be built into the basic types. For example, dog breeders always encounter genetic limits when they intelligently attempt to create new breeds of dogs. Dogs may range in size from the Chihuahua to the Great Dane, but despite the best attempts of intelligent breeders, dogs always remain dogs.”
Question: If dogs stay dogs and cats stay cats, how could it be taught that in the past they evolved from the same ancestor?
This is an example of Darwinian Evolution trying to pull a quarter out of your ear.
Scientist themselves are becoming skeptical of the claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection (Darwinian Evolution) to account for the complexity of life. If you haven’t already viewed the list of Ph.D.’s that have signed the document called the Scientific Dissent from Darwinism, you may view it here.
Reason 2 – The First Life
Darwinian Evolution conveniently starts its explanation with life already in existence, but fails to account for how
non-life became living. How did the first life begin? Here is where you will likely hear that your life originated in some sort of primordial soup. This would be another quarter plucked from your ear.
Reason 3 -The Fossil Record
Here are five statements that demonstrate what the average person believes concerning the Fossil Record with regard to Darwinian Evolution. What is most interesting is that the Fossil Record cannot support these statements. According to Answers in Genesis these statements have been taken from published books.
- “The most direct evidence that evolution has occurred is presented in the study of the fossils.”1
- “The gradual development of life revealed by the fossil record has been called evolution.”2
- “Fossils help to build up a connected story of the past and show the parade of life through the ages.”3
- “Our knowledge of the history of life stems largely from the study of the fossils.”4
- “One of the main lines of investigation that reveals the time course of past evolution is paleontology, the study of fossils.”5
Why is Darwinian Evolution still being taught as fact?
Among the most well-known proponents of evolution (and a fierce opponent of Creationism), even Steven Jay Gould admits:
“At the higher level of evolutionary transition between basic morphological designs, gradualism has always been in trouble, though it remains the “official” position of most Western evolutionists. Smooth intermediates between Baupläne are almost impossible to construct, even in thought experiments; there is certainly no evidence for them in the fossil record (curious mosaics like Archaeopteryx do not count).” [S.J. Gould & Niles Eldredge (evolutionists); Paleobiology 3:147, 1977]
“The extreme rarity of transitional forms is the trade secret of paleontology … The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2. Sudden appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and ‘fully formed.’” [S.J. Gould (evolutionist); Natural History 86:14 (1977)]
Darwinian Evolution has spent many years masquerading as fact but just like Grandpa’s quarter trick, knowledge and understanding will eventually separate the tricks from the truth. The next time Evolution tries to pull a quarter out of your ear, simply expose the trick.
Question: Evolution or Nevolution?
Reason 1– Genetic Limits
Reason 2– The First Life
Reason 3– The Fossil Record
- W. Stephenson, Zoology, p. 249.
- Biological Science—The Web of Life, Student book, p.885, 3rd Edition, 1981.
- F.T. Barrell, Modern Science for Second Year, p. 43, 2nd Edition, 1971.
- Biological Science—The Web of Life, Student’s Manual, Part 2, p. 289, 9th Edition, 1981.
- Paul B. Weisz, The Science of Biology, p. 551, 4th Edition, 1911.